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Collier Collection

Background imageCollier Collection: No. 3 Company 1st Battalion Chelsea 1939 Freem

No. 3 Company 1st Battalion Chelsea 1939 Freem
No.3 Company, 1st Battalion, Chelsea, 1939, Freem, Murphy, Thain, Craddock, Oldfield, Lloyd, Miller, Hughes, Wright, Loades, Coe, Grimshaw, Turner, Bostock, Smith, Cornall, Hourd, Hogg, Riley

Background imageCollier Collection: 1928 trophies yates stubbs blackband collier

1928 trophies yates stubbs blackband collier
1928, trophies, yates, stubbs, blackband, collier, hancock, blair, poulton, harrison, fairey, mason, scott, capelin, walker, underwood, hawkins, thorne, colvin, garnett, talkington

Background imageCollier Collection: british embasy staff paris 1 june 1937 rowe-dullin

british embasy staff paris 1 june 1937 rowe-dullin
british embasy staff, paris, 1 june, 1937, rowe-dullin, wright, mallet, dew, de lund, fitzmalcolm, piertrione, collier, thomas, cahill, sir george clark, ambassador, hamill, Album X1, Grenadiers3519

Background imageCollier Collection: marshall howarth johnson dilks miller collier

marshall howarth johnson dilks miller collier
marshall, howarth, johnson, dilks, miller, collier, stubbs, huntingdon, pratt, vickers, nye, Album 77, Grenadiers2814

Background imageCollier Collection: egan lunn cotton rousell gaywood fortune mellor

egan lunn cotton rousell gaywood fortune mellor
egan, lunn, cotton, rousell, gaywood, fortune, mellor, dixon, miller, edwards, bryan, smith, downes, brown, gore, robinson, holding everett, burrel, webber, buckley, greaves, griffis, hillier, rees

Background imageCollier Collection: kidd smith williams philpott woods gillman huggett

kidd smith williams philpott woods gillman huggett
kidd, smith, williams, philpott, woods, gillman, huggett, sach, thexton, collier, cook, hesling, beckham, ewells, fairey, wisson, douglas, vine, kirby, barber, smale, hudson, newman, taylor, hill

Background imageCollier Collection: mccalmont cup team 1929 winners poulton scott

mccalmont cup team 1929 winners poulton scott
mccalmont cup team, 1929, winners, poulton, scott, wighton, philpott, jeffreys, garnett, iddison, underwood, davies, beard, walker, yates, collier, Box 3rd Battalion, Grenadiers4766

Background imageCollier Collection: sgt k peacocks squad march 1947 petherick

sgt k peacocks squad march 1947 petherick
sgt k peacocks squad, march 1947, petherick, hazell, jones, shaw, peel, shepherd, woodward, burgess, stokes, spencer, benn, godber, tanner, franks, dickinson, peacock, pain, privett, bundock

Background imageCollier Collection: depot staff august 1939 stibbs bateman green

depot staff august 1939 stibbs bateman green
depot staff, august 1939, stibbs, bateman, green, dutson, hunt, foster, seddon, handley, leadbetter, croucher, lawrence, noble, ryan, barnes, neale, ragsdale, lees, fitzpatrick, matthews, dilley

Background imageCollier Collection: all orders of dress 3rd battalion pirbright june 1924

all orders of dress 3rd battalion pirbright june 1924
all orders of dress, 3rd battalion, pirbright, june 1924, collier, speller, Album 38, Grenadiers1766

Background imageCollier Collection: headqauarter company 1924 povey sheppard loftus

headqauarter company 1924 povey sheppard loftus
headqauarter company 1924, povey, sheppard, loftus, ward, underwood, speller, prescott, greville, de reuter, copping, dobson, collier, munden, Album 38, Grenadiers1768

Background imageCollier Collection: mccalmont cup team 1929 winners poulton scott

mccalmont cup team 1929 winners poulton scott
mccalmont cup team, 1929, winners, poulton, scott, wighton, philpott, jefferys, garnett, iddison, underwood, davies, beard, walker, yates, collier, Album 34, Grenadiers1587

Background imageCollier Collection: chelsea barracks 1928 woodley wells vine bond

chelsea barracks 1928 woodley wells vine bond
chelsea barracks, 1928, woodley, wells, vine, bond, gillman, smale, woods, wombwell, beckham, collier, hesling, carver, harrison, scutt, sach, farnworth, clements, edwards, douglas, bowler, newman

Background imageCollier Collection: corrigan collier sach hill thexton woodley cheesman

corrigan collier sach hill thexton woodley cheesman
corrigan, collier, sach, hill, thexton, woodley, cheesman, scutt, barber, bonsor, eyre, hudson, lowe, reed, brassington, bowler, vine, harper, mantle, phipott, horton, wighton, yates, munden, sale

Background imageCollier Collection: wellington barracks 15 july 1930 jones oldknow

wellington barracks 15 july 1930 jones oldknow
wellington barracks, 15 july 1930, jones, oldknow, bird, williams, whitehead, shaw, gillman, palmer, blackband, pratt, hale, higgins, stone, satchwell, king, nightingale, wombwell, hills, anderson

Background imageCollier Collection: vine hill banthorpe reed eyre markley eskins

vine hill banthorpe reed eyre markley eskins
vine, hill, banthorpe, reed, eyre, markley, eskins, williams, mead, everitt, brown, yates, hudson, philpotts, cooke, dent, mantle, hoare, bukow, sheather, bennett, peters, minchin, watts, white

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