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-10 Collection (#3)

291 Items

Background image-10 Collection: no. 3 squadron lt whittley tank crew

no. 3 squadron lt whittley tank crew
no.3 squadron, lt whittley, tank crew, Album 51, Grenadiers2462

Background image-10 Collection: hrh princess elizabeth colonel inspection guards depot

hrh princess elizabeth colonel inspection guards depot
hrh princess elizabeth, colonel, inspection, guards depot, march 1945, Album 51, Grenadiers2461

Background image-10 Collection: hrh pricess elizabeth colonel arrives at guards depot for annual inspection

hrh pricess elizabeth colonel arrives at guards depot for annual inspection
hrh, pricess elizabeth, colonel, arrives at guards depot for annual inspection, march 1945, Album 51, Grenadiers2459

Background image-10 Collection: no. 3 company

no. 3 company, Album 52, Grenadiers2496

Background image-10 Collection: Grenadiers2495

Album 52, Grenadiers2495

Background image-10 Collection: sandy gordon

sandy gordon, Album 52, Grenadiers2491

Background image-10 Collection: peter evelyn

peter evelyn, Album 52, Grenadiers2489

Background image-10 Collection: tom butler

tom butler, Album 52, Grenadiers2490

Background image-10 Collection: bill anson

bill anson, Album 52, Grenadiers2492

Background image-10 Collection: master clive mrs clive col clive

master clive mrs clive col clive
master clive, mrs clive, col clive, Album 52, Grenadiers2482

Background image-10 Collection: 6th Battalion CO Lt Col Archer Clive

6th Battalion CO Lt Col Archer Clive
6th Battalion CO Lt Colonel Archer Clive Album 52, Grenadiers2485

Background image-10 Collection: nigel grazebrook ronald hebeler

nigel grazebrook ronald hebeler
nigel grazebrook, ronald hebeler, Album 52, Grenadiers2487

Background image-10 Collection: dickie des voeux

dickie des voeux, Album 52, Grenadiers2488

Background image-10 Collection: capt. p c britten marriage

capt. p c britten marriage
capt. p c britten, marriage, Album 52, Grenadiers2481

Background image-10 Collection: 1st qm john joliffe tufnell

1st qm john joliffe tufnell, Album 52, Grenadiers2484

Background image-10 Collection: 2nd Battalion QM Bernard Pratt

2nd Battalion QM Bernard Pratt
2nd qm Bernard Pratt, Album 52, Grenadiers2486

Background image-10 Collection: demonstration platoon the training battalion

demonstration platoon the training battalion
demonstration platoon, the training battalion, windsor, 1941, Album 51, Grenadiers2434

Background image-10 Collection: staff 14 company guards depot june 1940

staff 14 company guards depot june 1940
staff, 14 company, guards depot, june 1940, Album 51, Grenadiers2430

Background image-10 Collection: no. 1 company 4th battalion wanstead october 1940

no. 1 company 4th battalion wanstead october 1940
no.1 company, 4th battalion, wanstead, october 1940, Album 51, Grenadiers2433

Background image-10 Collection: officers and ncos 13th company june 1949 l / cpls

officers and ncos 13th company june 1949 l / cpls
officers and ncos, 13th company, june 1949, l/cpls, scauthern, j berry, g barnsdale, h huggins, r l/sgts murdon. r, chariton, woods, howe, w waller f (m.m), rawbone j, sgt

Background image-10 Collection: general guillame french army inspects 2nd battalion guard of honour

general guillame french army inspects 2nd battalion guard of honour
general guillame, french army, inspects 2nd battalion guard of honour, bad oyenhausen, baor, 1949, Album 51, Grenadiers2427

Background image-10 Collection: examining the sword

examining the sword, Album 51, Grenadiers2423

Background image-10 Collection: general guillame french army inspects 2nd battalion guard of honour

general guillame french army inspects 2nd battalion guard of honour
general guillame, french army, inspects 2nd battalion guard of honour, bad oyenhausen, baor, 1949, Album 51, Grenadiers2425

Background image-10 Collection: princess elizabeth colonel inspection of 14 company

princess elizabeth colonel inspection of 14 company
princess elizabeth, colonel, inspection of 14 company, 1949, Album 51, Grenadiers2424

Background image-10 Collection: presentation of standards to guards armoured division

presentation of standards to guards armoured division, liberation of brussels, 1944, Album 51, Grenadiers2457

Background image-10 Collection: Grenadiers2456

Album 51, Grenadiers2456

Background image-10 Collection: Grenadiers2454

Album 51, Grenadiers2454

Background image-10 Collection: Grenadiers2451

Album 51, Grenadiers2451

Background image-10 Collection: field marshall alexander presents maj p sidney with the ribbon of the victoria cross

field marshall alexander presents maj p sidney with the ribbon of the victoria cross on behalf of h m the king, italy, 1944, Album 51, Grenadiers2450

Background image-10 Collection: warrant officers and sergeants 4th tank battalion

warrant officers and sergeants 4th tank battalion
warrant officers and sergeants, 4th tank battalion, 1942, Album 51, Grenadiers2443

Background image-10 Collection: inspection 6th battalion 27 may 1942 rowan osborne

inspection 6th battalion 27 may 1942 rowan osborne
inspection, 6th battalion, 27 may 1942, rowan, osborne, wiggin, the earl of euston, vivian, trenchard, brooke, brabourne sloan, wall-row, kinsman, grazebrook, alington, strang-steel, buchanan

Background image-10 Collection: 17 coy winners guards depot inter-company rugby league

17 coy winners guards depot inter-company rugby league
17 coy, winners, guards depot inter-company rugby league, 1941-42, Album 51, Grenadiers2441

Background image-10 Collection: hrh pricess elizabeth inspects the 1st battalion

hrh pricess elizabeth inspects the 1st battalion, Album 51, Grenadiers2435

Background image-10 Collection: the kings birthday parade 1947 celebrated by the 2nd battalion at wuppertal

the kings birthday parade 1947 celebrated by the 2nd battalion at wuppertal
the kings birthday parade, 1947, celebrated by the 2nd battalion at wuppertal, baor, Album 51, Grenadiers2418

Background image-10 Collection: the kings birthday parade 1947 celebrated by the 2nd battalion at wuppertal

the kings birthday parade 1947 celebrated by the 2nd battalion at wuppertal
the kings birthday parade, 1947, celebrated by the 2nd battalion at wuppertal, baor, Album 51, Grenadiers2421

Background image-10 Collection: the kings birthday parade 1947 celebrated by the 2nd battalion at wuppertal

the kings birthday parade 1947 celebrated by the 2nd battalion at wuppertal
the kings birthday parade, 1947, celebrated by the 2nd battalion at wuppertal, baor, Album 51, Grenadiers2419

Background image-10 Collection: princess elizabeth 9 august 1945

princess elizabeth 9 august 1945
princess elizabeth, 9 august 1945, Album 51, Grenadiers2412

Background image-10 Collection: the kings birthday parade 1947 celebrated by the 2nd battalion at wuppertal

the kings birthday parade 1947 celebrated by the 2nd battalion at wuppertal
the kings birthday parade, 1947, celebrated by the 2nd battalion at wuppertal, baor, Album 51, Grenadiers2420

Background image-10 Collection: ist battalion chelsea barracks 24 january 1947

ist battalion chelsea barracks 24 january 1947
ist battalion, chelsea barracks, 24 january 1947, first kings guard since 1939, Album 51, Grenadiers2417

Background image-10 Collection: training battalion marches past hm the king windsor

training battalion marches past hm the king windsor
training battalion marches past hm the king, windsor, 9 august 1945, Album 51, Grenadiers2415

Background image-10 Collection: no. 4 company 5th battalion hammamet tunisia 1943

no. 4 company 5th battalion hammamet tunisia 1943
no.4 company, 5th battalion, hammamet, tunisia, 1943, Album 51, Grenadiers2398

Background image-10 Collection: 6th battalion embarking at tripoli for invasion of italy

6th battalion embarking at tripoli for invasion of italy
6th battalion, embarking at tripoli for invasion of italy, Album 51, Grenadiers2395

Background image-10 Collection: no. 2 squadron 2nd battalion helmsley yorkshire

no. 2 squadron 2nd battalion helmsley yorkshire
no.2 squadron, 2nd battalion, helmsley, yorkshire, 1943, Album 51, Grenadiers2397

Background image-10 Collection: hm the king inspects 3rd battalion perth 1942

hm the king inspects 3rd battalion perth 1942
hm the king inspects 3rd battalion, perth, 1942, Album 51, Grenadiers2388

Background image-10 Collection: 6th battalion embarking at tripoli for the invasion of italy

6th battalion embarking at tripoli for the invasion of italy
6th battalion, embarking at tripoli for the invasion of italy, Album 51, Grenadiers2394

Background image-10 Collection: hm the king inspects 3rd battalion perth 1942

hm the king inspects 3rd battalion perth 1942
hm the king inspects 3rd battalion, perth, 1942, Album 51, Grenadiers2387

Background image-10 Collection: Grenadiers2393

Album 51, Grenadiers2393

Background image-10 Collection: battalion headquarters

battalion headquarters, Album 51, Grenadiers2392

Background image-10 Collection: sherman tanks 2nd battalion going ashore at arromanches

sherman tanks 2nd battalion going ashore at arromanches
sherman tanks, 2nd battalion, going ashore at arromanches, 1944, Album 51, Grenadiers2400

Background image-10 Collection: Grenadiers2402

Album 51, Grenadiers2402

Background image-10 Collection: princess elizabeth colour windsor

princess elizabeth colour windsor
princess elizabeth, colour, windsor, Album 51, Grenadiers2405

Background image-10 Collection: officers and sergeants no. 3 squadron 4th (tank) battalion

officers and sergeants no. 3 squadron 4th (tank) battalion
officers and sergeants, no.3 squadron, 4th (tank) battalion, holland, november 1944, Album 51, Grenadiers2404

Background image-10 Collection: 2nd battalion sherman tanks advancing towards caen

2nd battalion sherman tanks advancing towards caen
2nd battalion, sherman tanks advancing towards caen, june 1944, Album 51, Grenadiers2401

Background image-10 Collection: hm the king princess elizabeth

hm the king princess elizabeth
hm the king, princess elizabeth, Album 51, Grenadiers2384

Background image-10 Collection: the regiment marches past windsor 1942

the regiment marches past windsor 1942
the regiment marches past, windsor, 1942, Album 51, Grenadiers2378

Background image-10 Collection: hrh princess elizabeth the colonel guards depot

hrh princess elizabeth the colonel guards depot
hrh princess elizabeth, the colonel, guards depot, Album 51, Grenadiers2382

Background image-10 Collection: hrh princess elizabeth takes the salute for the first time

hrh princess elizabeth takes the salute for the first time. Album 51, Grenadiers2376

Background image-10 Collection: officers and ncos castle company training battalion

officers and ncos castle company training battalion
officers and ncos, castle company, training battalion, windsor, 1940, Album 51, Grenadiers2371

Background image-10 Collection: headquarter company 3rd battalion louth lincolnshire

headquarter company 3rd battalion louth lincolnshire
headquarter company, 3rd battalion, louth, lincolnshire, 1940, Album 51, Grenadiers2368

Background image-10 Collection: castle company training battalion windsor 1941

castle company training battalion windsor 1941
castle company, training battalion, windsor, 1941, Album 51, Grenadiers2373

Background image-10 Collection: no. 4 company

no. 4 company
no.4 company, Album 51, Grenadiers2390

Background image-10 Collection: sergeant majors windsor 21 april 1942

sergeant majors windsor 21 april 1942
sergeant majors, windsor, 21 april 1942, Album 51, Grenadiers2380

Background image-10 Collection: unloading supplies 6 june 1944 d-day

unloading supplies 6 june 1944 d-day
unloading supplies, 6 june 1944, d-day, Album 48, Grenadiers2354

Background image-10 Collection: monte cassino

monte cassino, Album 48, Grenadiers2351

Background image-10 Collection: 3rd battalion tcws leaving for cassino

3rd battalion tcws leaving for cassino, Album 48, Grenadiers2353

Background image-10 Collection: monte cassino

monte cassino, Album 48, Grenadiers2350

Background image-10 Collection: maj a aston 1942

maj a aston 1942
maj a aston, 1942, Album 48, Grenadiers2343

Background image-10 Collection: hm the king inspects 1st battalion immediately after dunkirk

hm the king inspects 1st battalion immediately after dunkirk, june 1940, Album 51, Grenadiers2367

Background image-10 Collection: drummers training battalion windsor 1940

drummers training battalion windsor 1940
drummers, training battalion, windsor, 1940, Album 51, Grenadiers2370

Background image-10 Collection: hm the king inspects 1st battalion immediately after dunkirk

hm the king inspects 1st battalion immediately after dunkirk, june 1940, Album 51, Grenadiers2365

Background image-10 Collection: 2nd lnf landing 22 january 1944

2nd lnf landing 22 january 1944
2nd lnf landing, 22 january 1944, Album 51, Grenadiers2364

Background image-10 Collection: maj a aston 1942

maj a aston 1942
maj a aston, 1942, Album 48, Grenadiers2359

Background image-10 Collection: 6 june 1944 d-day

6 june 1944 d-day
6 june 1944, d-day, Album 48, Grenadiers2355

Background image-10 Collection: rsm harrison 1943

rsm harrison 1943
rsm harrison, 1943, Album 48, Grenadiers2361

Background image-10 Collection: maj a aston 1942

maj a aston 1942
maj a aston, 1942, Album 48, Grenadiers2358

Background image-10 Collection: berlin entry of armoured division scout car 1st battalion

berlin entry of armoured division scout car 1st battalion
berlin, entry of armoured division, scout car, 1st battalion, Album 48, Grenadiers2356

Background image-10 Collection: h m the king inspecting the battalion

h m the king inspecting the battalion, Album 48, Grenadiers2341

Background image-10 Collection: monte cassino

monte cassino, Album 48, Grenadiers2349

Background image-10 Collection: moving onto the beaches 9 september 1943

moving onto the beaches 9 september 1943
moving onto the beaches, 9 september 1943, Album 48, Grenadiers2347

Background image-10 Collection: 6th Battalion Officers, Hammamet 1943 Album 48, Grenadiers 2344

6th Battalion Officers, Hammamet 1943 Album 48, Grenadiers 2344
6th Battalion Officers, Hammamet, North Africa 1943, Album 48, Grenadiers2344

Background image-10 Collection: gen keighly

gen keighly, Album 48, Grenadiers2346

Background image-10 Collection: warrant officers and sergeants mess tunisia camp

warrant officers and sergeants mess tunisia camp
warrant officers and sergeants mess, tunisia camp, cyprus, 1959, Album 45, Grenadiers2319

Background image-10 Collection: capt qm e v philpot coaching

capt qm e v philpot coaching, Album 45, Grenadiers2305

Background image-10 Collection: maj j d buchanan maj e j b nelson

maj j d buchanan maj e j b nelson
maj j d buchanan, maj e j b nelson, Album 45, Grenadiers2304

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