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1941 Collection

Background image1941 Collection: bradley 1941

bradley 1941
bradley, 1941, Box 3, Grenadiers4696

Background image1941 Collection: infantry ncos school stainborough castle officers

infantry ncos school stainborough castle officers
infantry ncos school, stainborough castle, officers, warrant officers, staff sergeants, 1941, Box 3, Grenadiers4671

Background image1941 Collection: dance band no. 1 company training battalion riding school

dance band no. 1 company training battalion riding school
dance band, no.1 company, training battalion, riding school, windsor, 1941, csm donlan, lou potterton,s eccles, wally thomas, cpl prewer, Box 3, Grenadiers4655

Background image1941 Collection: warrant officers & sergeants 4th battalion

warrant officers & sergeants 4th battalion
warrant officers & sergeants, 4th battalion, wanstead, 1941, Box 3, Grenadiers4618

Background image1941 Collection: 14th company caterham 1941 fosbrook cooney lovejoy

14th company caterham 1941 fosbrook cooney lovejoy
14th company, caterham, 1941, fosbrook, cooney, lovejoy, smith, webster, herbert, hearne, anson, faulkner, wright, flynn, hewitt, hinchley, oakley, king, wilkes, holmes, joslin, tovey, short, young

Background image1941 Collection: tony heywood 1941

tony heywood 1941
tony heywood, 1941, Album 164, Grenadiers3490

Background image1941 Collection: no. 2 platoon 1941 cottam jones virgo foreman

no. 2 platoon 1941 cottam jones virgo foreman
no.2 platoon, 1941, cottam, jones, virgo, foreman, fisher, wright, hambleton, jennings, cartwright, hillman, munson, toddington, barrowcliffe, patterson, oakes, steer, gardler, denman, blackwell

Background image1941 Collection: officers and sergeants no. 1 coy 1941 batty stafford

officers and sergeants no. 1 coy 1941 batty stafford
officers and sergeants, no.1 coy, 1941, batty, stafford, corrie, johnson, richards, waters, haigh, young, csm donlan, hon f wigram, rs hebeler, g p phillips, hon r stanley, earl of euston

Background image1941 Collection: no. 4 platoon 1941 lambley spencer hall houghton

no. 4 platoon 1941 lambley spencer hall houghton
no.4 platoon, 1941, lambley, spencer, hall, houghton, swayne, wright, hurd, davis, moore, nettleton, jones, chivers, martin, tunnah, saunders, gooseman, wiseman, marks, steer, wilcox, perry, eccles

Background image1941 Collection: no. 3 platoon 1941 hagger howe godwin neill upton

no. 3 platoon 1941 hagger howe godwin neill upton
no.3 platoon, 1941, hagger, howe, godwin, neill, upton, nield, barry, goodliffe, hall, webb, crabtree barnes, burke, wilkinson, bunning, cottle, parker, cockram, rigby, hemmingway, jackson, chadwick

Background image1941 Collection: l / sgt smiths squad chelsea 1941 l / sgt smiths squad

l / sgt smiths squad chelsea 1941 l / sgt smiths squad
l/sgt smiths squad, chelsea, 1941, l/sgt smiths squad, Box 2, Grenadiers4409

Background image1941 Collection: demonstration platoon the training battalion

demonstration platoon the training battalion
demonstration platoon, the training battalion, windsor, 1941, Album 51, Grenadiers2434

Background image1941 Collection: castle company training battalion windsor 1941

castle company training battalion windsor 1941
castle company, training battalion, windsor, 1941, Album 51, Grenadiers2373

Background image1941 Collection: george sheffield mk vi tank 1941

george sheffield mk vi tank 1941
george sheffield, mk vi tank, 1941, Album 164, Grenadiers3491

Background image1941 Collection: hazebrouck day 4th battalion grenadier guards

hazebrouck day 4th battalion grenadier guards
hazebrouck day, 4th battalion grenadier guards, april 12, 1941, ardee, brownlow, lmbert, gart, smith, pilcher, britten starkey, walker, Album 153, Grenadiers3449

Background image1941 Collection: hazebrouck day 12 april 1941

hazebrouck day 12 april 1941
hazebrouck day, 12 april, 1941, Album 164, Grenadiers3471

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