4th Tank Battalion Collection
4th tank battalion grenadier guards 1943 hrh princess elizabeth
4th tank battalion, grenadier guards, 1943, hrh princess elizabeth, penn, rocke, prescott, lady delia peel, wiliams, hollingsworth, cornwath, randall, senhouse, davies, Album 98, Grenadiers2965
4th tank battalion 1943 hrh princess elizabeth
4th tank battalion, 1943, hrh princess elizabeth, gascoigne, hetwoos-lonsdale, grey, hedley, cannan, colville, lowe, currie, gould, harvey, agar, woolaston, stobart, verney, Album 98, Grenadiers2966
4th tank battalion 1943 three cheers for the colonel
4th tank battalion, 1943, three cheers for the colonel, rasch, ardee, lord phillips, williams, marshall-cornwall, colville, monteith, hq squadron, Album 98, Grenadiers2967
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