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Britten Collection

Background imageBritten Collection: inspection 6th battalion officers 27 may 1942

inspection 6th battalion officers 27 may 1942
inspection, 6th battalion, officers, 27 may 1942, rowan, osborne, wiggin, the earl of euston, vivian, trenchard, brooke, lord brabourne, sloan, wall-rowe, kinsman, grazebrook, alington, strang-steel

Background imageBritten Collection: kings company 1st battalion grenadier guards

kings company 1st battalion grenadier guards
kings company, 1st battalion, grenadier guards, pirbright camp, april, 1947, keeb1e, 0tt1ey, nightingale, boyce, c1aridge, martin, bunyan, woodhouse, novis, smith, bayliffe, harris, knowles, greaves

Background imageBritten Collection: sergeants mess october 1952 taylor hartley

sergeants mess october 1952 taylor hartley
sergeants mess, october 1952, taylor, hartley, hackett, stewart, britten, harding, winnington, everett, lord jeffreys, weaver, earle, giles, lamb, moulton, jeffreys, pentney, johnson, bates, horn

Background imageBritten Collection: 4th battalion grenadier guards formed aug 1915

4th battalion grenadier guards formed aug 1915
4th battalion, grenadier guards, formed aug 1915, marlow, brunton, pemberton, malcolm, ridley, thompson, hoare, shelley, layton, tennant, sitwell, macmillan, ellison, ludlow, penn, britten, lambert

Background imageBritten Collection: commanding officer officers 3rd battalion pirbright

commanding officer officers 3rd battalion pirbright
commanding officer, officers, 3rd battalion, pirbright, 1924, bromley-davenport, vernon-wentworth, alston-roberts-west, plevins, heneage, colvin, stourton, layland-barratt, prescott, belville

Background imageBritten Collection: officers 3rd battalion 1925 herbert alston-roberts-west

officers 3rd battalion 1925 herbert alston-roberts-west
officers, 3rd battalion, 1925, herbert, alston-roberts-west, belville, miller, bromley-davenport, tryon, moore, heber-percy, prescott, manning, davies, bull, hogarth, james, pakenham, wall, britten

Background imageBritten Collection: 2nd lt d v bonsor lt the viscount anson miller

2nd lt d v bonsor lt the viscount anson miller
2nd lt d v bonsor, lt the viscount anson, miller, bushman, gregory-hood, robertson, earle, ford, aston, russell, pike, budge, deakin, lee, brinckman, ellison, prescott, britten

Background imageBritten Collection: officers inspection field-marshal hrh duke of connaught and strathearn

officers inspection field-marshal hrh duke of connaught and strathearn
officers, inspection, field-marshal hrh duke of connaught and strathearn, wimbledon camp, monday, july 12th, 1920, goss, goschen, tritton, combe, hotliam

Background imageBritten Collection: windsor 21 june 1923 97th birthday general sir geaorge higginson

windsor 21 june 1923 97th birthday general sir geaorge higginson
windsor, 21 june, 1923, 97th birthday, general sir geaorge higginson, adjutant, crimean war, miller, brinkman, bellville, lord henry seymour, king, greville, britten, wall, bushman, forbes, reuter

Background imageBritten Collection: inspection 6th battalion 27 may 1942 rowan osborne

inspection 6th battalion 27 may 1942 rowan osborne
inspection, 6th battalion, 27 may, 1942 rowan, osborne, wiggin, earl of euston, vivian, the hon

Background imageBritten Collection: bushman throckmorton brinckman clifford smiley

bushman throckmorton brinckman clifford smiley
bushman, throckmorton, brinckman, clifford, smiley, packenham, wood, villiers, murray, ford, stucley, reeve, hall, lee, ellison, hay, greville, rasch, dudley-smith, britten, fryer, Album 80

Background imageBritten Collection: 2nd Battalion Winners, Duke of Connaught Cup, 1930. Album83, Grenadiers2897

2nd Battalion Winners, Duke of Connaught Cup, 1930. Album83, Grenadiers2897
2nd Battalion Winners of Duke of Connaughts Cup, Aldershot, 1930. From left: Captain O.W. D. Smith, Captain O. B. Hall-Hall, Captain A. S. P. Murray, Major C. R. Britten MC. Colonel G. E. C

Background imageBritten Collection: officers hanning belville packenham h-percy davies

officers hanning belville packenham h-percy davies
officers, hanning, belville, packenham, h-percy, davies, tryon, herbert, moore, miller, llewellyn, wall, hamilton, davenport, hogarth, goshcen, goss, stourton, britten, rasch, maitland, colvin

Background imageBritten Collection: no. 3 coy chelsea barracks october 1923 baker

no. 3 coy chelsea barracks october 1923 baker
no. 3 coy, chelsea barracks, october 1923, baker, bromley-davenport, britten, moore, broadhurst, scott, Album 38, Grenadiers1759

Background imageBritten Collection: buxton gascoignelowe etherton heywood ford dixon

buxton gascoignelowe etherton heywood ford dixon
buxton, gascoignelowe, etherton, heywood, ford, dixon, monteith, hanham, boscawen, coventry, tyser, currie holland, harvey, chandos-pole, crossthwaite, kemp-welch, legh, wollaston, colville, walker

Background imageBritten Collection: officers 2nd battalion 1931 maitland-addison

officers 2nd battalion 1931 maitland-addison
officers, 2nd battalion, 1931, maitland-addison, askew, glynn, hohler, vernon-wentworth, lee, smiley, stucley, hennesey, bushman, packenham, aston, hargreaves, britten, beaumont-nesbitt, clive

Background imageBritten Collection: 2nd Battalion Winners 1930 Album83, Grenadiers2880

2nd Battalion Winners 1930 Album83, Grenadiers2880
2nd Battalion Winners, Duke of Connaughts Cup, Aldershot, 1930. Major C. R. Britten, Lt Phillips, Lt Alston-Roberts-West and Lt Hall-Hall. Album 83, Grenadiers2880

Background imageBritten Collection: officers 3rd battalion pakenham bromley-davenport

officers 3rd battalion pakenham bromley-davenport
officers, 3rd battalion, pakenham, bromley-davenport, marquis of hamilton, miller, alston-roberts-west, colvin, davies, bull, wall, hogarth, moore, heber-percy, stourton, ellison, viscount gort

Background imageBritten Collection: 3rd battalion no. 3 coy 1924 hogarth britten

3rd battalion no. 3 coy 1924 hogarth britten
3rd battalion, no. 3 coy, 1924, hogarth, britten, bromley-davenport, Album 38, Grenadiers1771

Background imageBritten Collection: farnborough cup aldershot command show officers class

farnborough cup aldershot command show officers class
farnborough cup, aldershot command show, officers class, 1930, smith, hall, murray, britten, rasch, gregson ellis, hargreaves, west, ellison, Album 122, Grenadiers3221

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