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Duke Of Connaught Collection

Background imageDuke Of Connaught Collection: 1930 depot companies officers warrant officers ncos

1930 depot companies officers warrant officers ncos
depot companies, officers, warrant officers, ncos, tds, hughes, webb, howell, doney. wilson. astle. hurrell, hussellbee, potts, tow1er. mead, hunt. slate

Background imageDuke Of Connaught Collection: Grenadiers4879

Box 4, Grenadiers4879

Background imageDuke Of Connaught Collection: duke of connaught? awarding medals chelsea barracks

duke of connaught? awarding medals chelsea barracks
duke of connaught?, awarding medals, chelsea barracks, Album X1, Grenadiers3535

Background imageDuke Of Connaught Collection: duke of connaught? awarding medals

duke of connaught? awarding medals
duke of connaught?, awarding medals, Album X1, Grenadiers3530

Background imageDuke Of Connaught Collection: HRH the Duke of Connaught, Colonel, 1910

HRH the Duke of Connaught, Colonel, 1910
Field Marshall HRH The Duke of Connaught, Colonel of the Regiment, Wellington Barracks, 29th June 1910. On day of Royal review at Buckingham Palace Album 35a, Grenadiers1651

Background imageDuke Of Connaught Collection: duke of connaught earle

duke of connaught earle
duke of connaught, earle, Album 26, Grenadiers1074

Background imageDuke Of Connaught Collection: duke of connaught earle the king

duke of connaught earle the king
duke of connaught, earle, the king, Album 26, Grenadiers1071

Background imageDuke Of Connaught Collection: col campbell col fludyer duke of connaught gen methuen

col campbell col fludyer duke of connaught gen methuen
col campbell, col fludyer, duke of connaught, gen methuen, l drummond, shute, Album 11, Grenadiers0653

Background imageDuke Of Connaught Collection: Grenadiers4880

Box 4, Grenadiers4880

Background imageDuke Of Connaught Collection: duke of connaught?

duke of connaught?, Album X1, Grenadiers3508

Background imageDuke Of Connaught Collection: duke of connaught p h whiston sir j maxwell j ponsonby

duke of connaught p h whiston sir j maxwell j ponsonby
duke of connaught, p h whiston, sir j maxwell, j ponsonby, lord h scott, n a mcneil, a j w cecil, Album 35, Grenadiers1627

Background imageDuke Of Connaught Collection: windsor 1923 white watts stubbs scott eskins

windsor 1923 white watts stubbs scott eskins
windsor 1923, white, watts, stubbs, scott, eskins, banks, spalding, sale, williams, gillman, allen, yates, eyre, brown, bean, mead, reed, harris, bray, bennett, minchin, munden, shelton, tingey

Background imageDuke Of Connaught Collection: vine hill banthorpe reed eyre markley eskins

vine hill banthorpe reed eyre markley eskins
vine, hill, banthorpe, reed, eyre, markley, eskins, williams, mead, everitt, brown, yates, hudson, philpotts, cooke, dent, mantle, hoare, bukow, sheather, bennett, peters, minchin, watts, white

Background imageDuke Of Connaught Collection: 1910 buckingham palace duke of connaught king george v

1910 buckingham palace duke of connaught king george v
1910, buckingham palace, duke of connaught, king george v, review, Album 28, Grenadiers1134

Background imageDuke Of Connaught Collection: duke of connaught funeral king edward vii king george v

duke of connaught funeral king edward vii king george v
duke of connaught, funeral king edward vii, king george v, Album 31, Grenadiers1302

Background imageDuke Of Connaught Collection: duke of connaught funeral king edward vii german emperor

duke of connaught funeral king edward vii german emperor
duke of connaught, funeral king edward vii, german emperor, king george v, Album 31, Grenadiers1300

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