officers inspection field-marshal hrh duke of connaught and strathearn
officers, inspection, field-marshal hrh duke of connaught and strathearn, wimbledon camp, monday, july 12th, 1920, goss, goschen, tritton, combe, hotliam
cricket team fisher graham neale levy oldrey
cricket team, fisher, graham, neale, levy, oldrey, froggatt, hogarth, goschen, bennett, ward, exall, angier, Album 40, Grenadiers2121
kemp-welch holland colville hanham legh walker
kemp-welch, holland, colville, hanham, legh, walker, grey, etherton, valentine, minton-senhouse, heywood, davies, currie, lowe, woolaston, gascoigne, buxton, crossthwaite, ford, goschen, brownlow
warrant officers staff sergeants lanham robinson
warrant officers, staff sergeants, lanham, robinson, balchin, mccoy, shaw, massey, lax, toon, bray, smith, povey, brenchley, pitt, cooper, garton, whittaker, ward, lavers, walker, goschen, hughes
warrant officers and staff sergeants langham
warrant officers and staff sergeants, langham, robinson, balchin, mccoy, shaw, massey, lax, toon, bray, smith, povey, brenchley, cooper, garton, whittaker, ward, lavers, walker, goschen, hughes
southampton 11 october 1923 mildmay dury verney
southampton, 11 october, 1923, mildmay, dury, verney, colvin, hargreaves, fox pitt, murray, llewellyn, bull, trew, guthkin, goschen, hall, wentworth, hogarth, wiggins, hope, pilcher, bing, steele