kings birthday parade dusseldorf 8 june 1950kings birthday parade, dusseldorf, 8 june 1950, kirkham, foster, starkey, hackett, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4464
no. 3 guard kings birthday parade 1950no.3 guard, kings birthday parade, 1950, 3rd battalion, chelsea barracks, Box 3rd Battalion, Grenadiers4718
queens birthday parade dusseldorf 1955queens birthday parade, dusseldorf, 1955, rsm dickinson, sgt snook, Album 54, Grenadiers2652
2nd battalion escort kings birthday parade2nd battalion, escort, kings birthday parade, chelsea barracks, 1933, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4473
the kings birthday parade 1949 13 company grenadier guardsthe kings birthday parade, 1949, 13 company grenadier guards, guards training battalion, no.3 guard, Album 52, Grenadiers2478
the kings birthday parade 1931the kings birthday parade, 1931, Album 40, Grenadiers2120
the kings birthday parade 1947 celebrated by the 2nd battalion at wuppertalthe kings birthday parade, 1947, celebrated by the 2nd battalion at wuppertal, baor, Album 51, Grenadiers2419
thje kings birthday parade 1935 the escort receives the colourthje kings birthday parade, 1935, the escort receives the colour, Album 45, Grenadiers2290
the kings birthday parade 1934the kings birthday parade, 1934, Album 45, Grenadiers2289
battalion marching along rue aboukir his majestys birthday paradebattalion marching along rue aboukir, his majestys birthday parade, alexandria, 1936, Album 39, Grenadiers1833
his majestys birthday parade alexandriahis majestys birthday parade, alexandria, 1936, Album 39, Grenadiers1831