inspection 6th battalion officers 27 may 1942
inspection, 6th battalion, officers, 27 may 1942, rowan, osborne, wiggin, the earl of euston, vivian, trenchard, brooke, lord brabourne, sloan, wall-rowe, kinsman, grazebrook, alington, strang-steel
1905 1st battalion 3rd battalion alan percy aldershot
1905, 1st battalion, 3rd battalion, alan percy, aldershot, alexander, cary, colby, daberley, davey-lowe, decrespigny, earl of cavan, fergusson, forester, hermon-hodge, jeffreys, kidyson, kingsmill
Officers, No 1 Coy, 6th Battalion, Durban 1942. P1080838
Officers of Number 1 Company, 6th Battalion, Indian College, Durban, July 1942. Standing, left to right: Lieutenant J. M. Strang-Steel, Lt A. G. Vivian, Captain The Hon. W. N. S. L H