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Wood Collection

Background imageWood Collection: No. 2 COMPANY 3rd Battalion ALDERSHOT NOVEMBER

No. 2 COMPANY, 3rd Battalion, ALDERSHOT, NOVEMBER, 1938, Cooper, York, Grewcock, Pinkus, Collins, Ralph, Hewitt, Roberts, Kiddy, Barnes, Poles, Goodwin, Groves, Hutson, Flesher, Girt, Lee, Childs

Background imageWood Collection: staff guards depot caterham 23 july 1958 tarr

staff guards depot caterham 23 july 1958 tarr
staff, guards depot, caterham, 23 july, 1958, tarr, long, dillon, owen, rolley, walker, jones, woolcock, haddock, cadman, toyne, rideout, packham, matthews, kane, brett, tarry, day, willitt, morsley

Background imageWood Collection: sgt c rooneys squad october 1955 collis

sgt c rooneys squad october 1955 collis
sgt c rooneys squad, october 1955, collis, vernon, nobbs, ray, coy, poole, hunter, dickinson, elsom, ping, worner, goodwin, ayers, wood, cook, porter, lawson, jacobs, rose, garwood, pearse, hayes

Background imageWood Collection: sergeants mess guards depot june 1955

sergeants mess guards depot june 1955
sergeants mess, guards depot, june 1955, rooney, cockcroft, rae, sims, soar, jones, brain, plumb, ellis, simms, trugian, davies, cook, cottee, ellerton, barrett, owen, chadwick, foster, brough


MEMBERS SERGEANTS MESS, 4th TANK BATTALION GRENADIER GUARDS, 1943, Cope, Palmer, Barrow, Lacey, Dillingham, Higgins, Wagstaff, Peek, Holmes, Butche, Oldfield, Mulligan, Lambert, Blake

Background imageWood Collection: sgt snellings squad september 1918 caterham

sgt snellings squad september 1918 caterham
sgt snellings squad, september 1918, caterham, urqhart, hunt, winter, kedwell, nealen, bates, townsin, clowes, eady, coles, burr, lowther, suckling, morgan, webb, bradbury, diamond, watson, cook

Background imageWood Collection: sgt l b adams squad february 1917

sgt l b adams squad february 1917
sgt l b adams squad, february 1917, pennells, glastonbury, greenwood, mills, cosser, davis, hargreaves, hesketh, benson, masters, miller, reid, fletcher, dodd, sharman, archer, stanmore, kirkland

Background imageWood Collection: apthorpe burlton cass coates col mackinnon cookson

apthorpe burlton cass coates col mackinnon cookson
apthorpe, burlton, cass, coates, col mackinnon, cookson, corllauat, donne, doyne, fowler, gleadon, goring, hatchell, herbey, hirozy-bathurst, horrocks, hythe 1888, kenyon-slaney, little leetham

Background imageWood Collection: sgt hudsons squad july 1955 burton chamerlain

sgt hudsons squad july 1955 burton chamerlain
sgt hudsons squad, july 1955, burton, chamerlain, longmore, gates, smith, knowles, millward, nash, terrington, ward, nolan, ankers, johnson, steel, dalton, sunderland, grimley, findlow, yardley

Background imageWood Collection: 1930 depot companies officers warrant officers ncos

1930 depot companies officers warrant officers ncos
depot companies, officers, warrant officers, ncos, tds, hughes, webb, howell, doney. wilson. astle. hurrell, hussellbee, potts, tow1er. mead, hunt. slate

Background imageWood Collection: sgt r ellenders squad march 1945 johnson

sgt r ellenders squad march 1945 johnson
sgt r ellenders squad, march 1945, johnson, schaffert, wood, atherton, stewart, lee, morris, halbard, hepden, cumpstey, barlow, layzell, beach, calvert, snelling, workman, lovelock, hills, rigby

Background imageWood Collection: cpl hambletons squad march 1941 winners

cpl hambletons squad march 1941 winners
cpl hambletons squad, march 1941, winners, inter-squad boxing championships, christian, prior, stace, < illward, kelsall, day, wake, starling, jackson, hallam, ward, wakerley, wood, morris

Background imageWood Collection: sgt d gilberts squad august 1955 collard

sgt d gilberts squad august 1955 collard
sgt d gilberts squad, august 1955, collard, garner, moore, burton, wood, bluff, barclay, oxford, dooley, quirk, ticehurst, hall, speak, hart, duggen, bentley, franes, stone, knightson, dowdell

Background imageWood Collection: sgt d jones squad june 1955 parton cross

sgt d jones squad june 1955 parton cross
sgt d jones squad, june 1955, parton, cross, sanderson, potter, wood, rowles, vernon, barker, stockley, dennison, foster, norfolk, hardingham, smith, grimley, forty, marrow, evans, rose, lacey

Background imageWood Collection: 3rd battalion winners mccalmont cup 1911 cole

3rd battalion winners mccalmont cup 1911 cole
3rd battalion, winners, mccalmont cup, 1911, cole, pearce, scott, hudson, betts, allen, latter, jones, wood, forbes, capper, broughton, burke, waterworth, Box 3rd Battalion, Grenadiers4817

Background imageWood Collection: guards depot chapel choir september 1945 palmer

guards depot chapel choir september 1945 palmer
guards depot, chapel choir, september 1945, palmer, kernick, jenkins, atterwill, walker, wright, walter, ackermann, maworth, dewey, cooper, bolton, banks, gray, plumridge, parker, rabtree, nott

Background imageWood Collection: sgts davies squad august 1955 flahey

sgts davies squad august 1955 flahey
sgts davies squad, august 1955, flahey, allen, hughes, nicholls, white, taylor, pitt, wood, jones, hirons, smith, roberts, saunders, simpson, conduit, bradburn, powell, redit, millership, green

Background imageWood Collection: cpl t smits squad march 1945 holder palmer

cpl t smits squad march 1945 holder palmer
cpl t smits squad, march 1945, holder, palmer, warden, wood, collins, clayton, greenough, walker, powell, heaton, cheetham, groom johnson, jarvis, smallpiece, raisen, fenlon, heath, betts, smith

Background imageWood Collection: 2nd battalion egypt 1936-38 whitthard phillips

2nd battalion egypt 1936-38 whitthard phillips
2nd battalion, egypt, 1936-38, whitthard, phillips, berry, roberts, hind, fuller, taylor, earley, stone, wilson, white, platt, goodman, jones, hicks, williams, hutchinson, wood, foster, biggins

Background imageWood Collection: l / sgt woods squad thompson bennet coles

l / sgt woods squad thompson bennet coles
l/sgt woods squad, thompson, bennet, coles, reid, jones, titheridge, southgate, lay, walker, cartlidge, smith, farthing, entwistle, giles, sparks, dunham, venn, betts, wood, robinson, cracknell

Background imageWood Collection: staff guards depot caterham over 21 years service

staff guards depot caterham over 21 years service
staff, guards depot, caterham, over 21 years service, april 1933, shea, pierce, rowen, straw, randall, huggett, gault, tilbury, dimmock, roberts, knowles, wood, hughes, harrison, foran, bottom

Background imageWood Collection: sgt e foremans squad april 1931

sgt e foremans squad april 1931
sgt e foremans squad, april 1931, pell, deighton, ballinger, sanders, payne, allan, jenkins, hosier, kennett, conway, clout, laycock, spencer, spreag, timberley, oxborrow, dobson, tipper, foreman

Background imageWood Collection: 1949 warrant officers sergeants brigade of guards

1949 warrant officers sergeants brigade of guards
warrant officers, sergeants, brigade of guards, royal military academy staff, sandhurst, january 1949, jones, pentney, holley, trimmer, senior, cooms, french, eastwood, bell, ritchie, phelps, jelly

Background imageWood Collection: bushman throckmorton brinckman clifford smiley

bushman throckmorton brinckman clifford smiley
bushman, throckmorton, brinckman, clifford, smiley, packenham, wood, villiers, murray, ford, stucley, reeve, hall, lee, ellison, hay, greville, rasch, dudley-smith, britten, fryer, Album 80

Background imageWood Collection: grant dudley-smith smiley hotham lindsey lee

grant dudley-smith smiley hotham lindsey lee
grant, dudley-smith, smiley, hotham, lindsey, lee, bushman, wood, hargreaves, villiers, lowry-corry, smith, goulburn, nennwssy, hall-hall, ellison, fryer, hughes, thorn, gregson, irby, phillips

Background imageWood Collection: Green Stone Fosbrooke Foster Wade Barsby Heal

Green Stone Fosbrooke Foster Wade Barsby Heal
Green, Stone, Fosbrooke, Foster, Wade, Barsby, Heal, Blgnell, Billups, Hopkins, Briscoe, Lancaster, Worthington, Gibbs, Obbard, Dunham, Husselbee, Stephens, Matthews, Leadbetter, Webb, Eason, Astle

Background imageWood Collection: egan lunn cotton rousell gaywood fortune mellor

egan lunn cotton rousell gaywood fortune mellor
egan, lunn, cotton, rousell, gaywood, fortune, mellor, dixon, miller, edwards, bryan, smith, downes, brown, gore, robinson, holding everett, burrel, webber, buckley, greaves, griffis, hillier, rees

Background imageWood Collection: 14th Company Colonel with Staff 5 July 1955 Carter

14th Company Colonel with Staff 5 July 1955 Carter
14th Company, Colonel with Staff, 5 July, 1955, Carter, Birch, Baddeley, CIeverley, Coe, Evans. Garbett, Plaskett, Blaire, Bland, Curtis, Delafield, Gale, Creamer, Wickens, Stanley, Scary

Background imageWood Collection: 2-lieut beaumont-nesbitt col sgt j l capper col sgt r broughton

2-lieut beaumont-nesbitt col sgt j l capper col sgt r broughton
2-lieut beaumont-nesbitt, col sgt j l capper, col sgt r broughton, competitors and cups won by them in the period july 1912 & x2013 may 1913, drill sgt h wood, drummer a edmonds, l/cpl a betts

Background imageWood Collection: parker quilter scott-kerr sgt maj rolinson wood

parker quilter scott-kerr sgt maj rolinson wood
parker, quilter, scott-kerr, sgt maj rolinson, wood, Album 28, Grenadiers1119

Background imageWood Collection: sgt k harts squad june 1945 doughty wykeham-fiennes

sgt k harts squad june 1945 doughty wykeham-fiennes
sgt k harts squad, june 1945, doughty, wykeham-fiennes, mole, gowers, thomas, moore, bone, ball, collings, burgon, coppage, townsend, saunders, hubbard, attrill, mercer, sawford, farnsworth, newman

Background imageWood Collection: sgt t grogans squad september 1940 skilling

sgt t grogans squad september 1940 skilling
sgt t grogans squad, september 1940, skilling, seel, russell, crowe, garner, heath, perkins, siddorn, robinson, wood, hutchinson, stockdale, ward, ramsden, payne, frost, whiteley, jeffs, dibb

Background imageWood Collection: sgt h woods squad october 1934 stevens

sgt h woods squad october 1934 stevens
sgt h woods squad, october 1934, stevens, cox, sedgewick, buck, corrie, townsend, newton, rodwell, brown, tilson, radley, luscombe, hill, rowson, stephens, haines, caines, brammer, widdowsone, drake

Background imageWood Collection: cpl j bakers squad october 1936 asbury

cpl j bakers squad october 1936 asbury
cpl j bakers squad, october 1936, asbury, windwood, ball, silcock, higgins, rhodes, wright, tucker, thomas, nicholls, smith, wood, everett, somers, vickers, clough, stedman, baker, moughton

Background imageWood Collection: sgt h woods squad december 1935

sgt h woods squad december 1935
sgt h woods squad, december 1935, wood, jones, stephens, streek, bishop, duckers, laurence, hinchley, roberts, sherwin, ford, boast, brown, hadgett, smith, ricketts, Box 2, Grenadiers4358

Background imageWood Collection: depot staff august 1939 stibbs bateman green

depot staff august 1939 stibbs bateman green
depot staff, august 1939, stibbs, bateman, green, dutson, hunt, foster, seddon, handley, leadbetter, croucher, lawrence, noble, ryan, barnes, neale, ragsdale, lees, fitzpatrick, matthews, dilley

Background imageWood Collection: grant goulburm ford brinkman lord burghley wood

grant goulburm ford brinkman lord burghley wood
grant, goulburm, ford, brinkman, lord burghley, wood, dudley-smith, hargreaves, smith, hennessy, hall, hotham, phillips, bushman, lindsey, ellison, wiggins, hughes, gregson, irby, beaumont-nesbitt

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