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69 Metal Prints
officers meteren december 1914 williams hughesofficers, meteren, december 1914, williams, hughes, bailey, cunningham, buchannan, nesbitt, marshall, cavendish, clive, jeffreys, smith, cholmondely, skidmore, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4429
private horace calvert grenadier guards december 1918private, horace calvert, grenadier guards, december 1918, cologne, Box 3, Grenadiers4600
pirbright camp 1912 needham bailey diggle tourancepirbright camp, 1912, needham, bailey, diggle, tourance, Album 68, Grenadiers2744
france may 1916france, may 1916, Box 4, Grenadiers4846
lt hrh prince of wales grenadier guards 1914lt hrh prince of wales, grenadier guards, 1914, Box 4, Grenadiers4856
commanding officers and ncos 5th battalion chelsea barrackscommanding officers and ncos, 5th battalion, chelsea barracks, 3 january, 1916, Box 3, Grenadiers4700
chelsea barracks departing for the front 1916chelsea barracks, departing for the front, 1916, Box 3, Grenadiers4626
d / sgt j bryant sgt drummer w j tarr 5th reserve battaliond/sgt j bryant, sgt drummer w j tarr, 5th reserve battalion, 1915, chelsea barracks, Box 3, Grenadiers4611
5th (reserve) battalion probably hospitalised or wounded men awaiting re-posting5th (reserve) battalion, probably hospitalised or wounded men awaiting re-posting or discharge, Box 3, Grenadiers4625
5th (reserve) battalion barrack guard chelsea barracks5th (reserve) battalion, barrack guard, chelsea barracks, c1917, Box 3, Grenadiers4624
hon capt (qm) j c rollinson 4th battalion 1915hon capt (qm) j c rollinson, 4th battalion, 1915, Box 3, Grenadiers4604
Display of captured Grenades, c1916 Box2nd BattDisplay of captured Grenades, c1916 Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4456
trench lookout man front linetrench, lookout man, front line, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4451
trotter cochran 1914trotter, cochran, 1914, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4434
officers 2nd battalion 1914 hrh the prince of walesofficers, 2nd battalion, 1914, hrh the prince of wales, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4448
hrh the prince of wales machine gunhrh the prince of wales, machine gun, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4452
williams 1914williams, 1914, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4438
hrh the prince of wales 1914hrh the prince of wales, 1914, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4443
front line trench cock shy february 1915front line, trench, cock shy, february 1915, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4428
1915 21 oct band wellington barracks inspection prior to departure to the front1915, 21 oct, band, wellington barracks, inspection prior to departure to the front, Album X2, Grenadiers3549
queen alexandra seeing coldstream guards off from chelsea barracksqueen alexandra, seeing coldstream guards off from chelsea barracks, Album 68, Grenadiers2748
Grenadiers2755Album 68, Grenadiers2755
lock maj gen lloyd chelsea barrackslock, maj gen lloyd, chelsea barracks, Album 68, Grenadiers2753
3rd Battalion, Sgt A. M. Hill c1890's Album D62, Grenadiers34973rd Battalion, Sergeant Arthur Munns "Ivo Hill. Album D62, Grenadiers3497
staff 8th division hursley park october 1914staff, 8th division, hursley park, october 1914, sheppard, diggle, uniache, hordern, alexander, anderson, davies, hoskins, snook, Album 68, Grenadiers2760
hamilton diggle neue chapellehamilton, diggle, neue chapelle, Album 68, Grenadiers2761
queen alexandra chelsea barracks 1914queen alexandra, chelsea barracks, 1914, Album 68, Grenadiers2756
Grenadiers1659Album 36, Grenadiers1659
3rd Battalion Grenadiers out of the line at Poperinghe in May 1916
a / capt g h t paton vc mca/capt g h t paton, vc, mc, Box 3, Grenadiers4675
bailey cunninghambailey, cunningham, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4453
fitzgerald cavan trefusis barryfitzgerald, cavan, trefusis, barry, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4455
wiulliams craigiewiulliams, craigie, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4454
the keep at givenchy, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4450
hamilton 1914hamilton, 1914, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4433
thorne 1914thorne, 1914, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4431
bailey 1914bailey, 1914, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4430
front line chavonne september-october 1914 men playing cardsfront line, chavonne, september-october, 1914, men playing cards, inside coy hq, the hotel, dowling, miller, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4427
front line chavonne september-october 1914 earl percyfront line, chavonne, september-october, 1914, earl percy, miller, lord, gordon-lennox, powell, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4426
wilfred smith hrh the prince of wales trenchwilfred smith, hrh the prince of wales, trench, 1915, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4449
prince of wales periscope trenchprince of wales, periscope, trench, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4447
trotter greville buchannan bailey. hrh prince of walestrotter, greville, buchannan, bailey. hrh prince of wales, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4442
hrh the prinbce of wales jack hugheshrh the prinbce of wales, jack hughes, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4446
lawrence dud shell trenchlawrence, dud shell, trench, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4444
sgt hull mitchellsgt hull, mitchell, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4445
pettit barry stanley 1914pettit, barry, stanley, 1914, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4441
trotter peeriscope charles greville 1914trotter, peeriscope, charles greville, 1914, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4440
cuinchey brickfields front line sentry with periscopecuinchey brickfields, front line, sentry with periscope, no.4 coy, 2nd battalion, 1914, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4439
hamelin, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4437
hamelin marshall beaumont nesbitt claire 1914hamelin, marshall, beaumont nesbitt, claire, 1914, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4436
fisher-rowe trotter cochran 1914fisher-rowe, trotter, cochran, 1914, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4435
hamlion digglehamlion, diggle, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4432
1915 christmas card1915, christmas card, Album X2, Grenadiers3551
st jamess palace occasion unknownst jamess palace, occasion unknown, Album X2, Grenadiers3548
2nd Battalion, Captain E. J. L. Pike 1914. Album68, Grenadiers27512nd Battalion, Captain Ebeneezer Eben John Lecky Pike, at Chelsea Barracks, prior to departure of the Battalion for the Front. 12th August, 1914. Album 68, Grenadiers2751
officers 2nd bttalion ready to leave for the frontofficers, 2nd bttalion, ready to leave for the front, chelsea barracks, august 1914, Album 68, Grenadiers2752
queen alexandra chelsea barracksqueen alexandra, chelsea barracks, Album 68, Grenadiers2749
maj gen lloyd col fielding chelsea barracksmaj gen lloyd, col fielding, chelsea barracks, Album 68, Grenadiers2754
2nd battalion chelsea barracks leaving for the front2nd battalion, chelsea barracks, leaving for the front, 1914, Album 68, Grenadiers2746
1962 2 / cpl fox 2 / cpl warner 2 / sgt branfield 2 / sgt davis1962, 2/cpl fox, 2/cpl warner, 2/sgt branfield, 2/sgt davis, 2/sgt waller, colonels inspection, element, gdsm haig, hall, Album D62, Grenadiers3492
3rd Battalion, CSM A. M. Hill DCM Album D62, Grenadiers3496
l / sgt hilll/sgt hill, Album D62, Grenadiers3493
12 aug 1914 2nd battalion chelsea barracks drill sgt a m hill12 aug, 1914, 2nd battalion, chelsea barracks, drill sgt a m hill, drill sgt j littler, sgt maj e ludlow, taken before marching to waterloo staion boubd for the great war, Album D62, Grenadiers3495
staff 8th division hursley park october 1914staff, 8th division, hursley park, october 1914, sheppard, diggle, uniache, hordern, alexander, anderson, davies, hoskins, snook, Album 68, Grenadiers2759
w h diggle, Album 68, Grenadiers2758
w h diggle sir f lloyd hyde park barracksw h diggle, sir f lloyd, hyde park barracks, Album 68, Grenadiers2757
coldstream guards leaving chelsea barracks for the frontcoldstream guards, leaving chelsea barracks for the front, august 1914, Album 68, Grenadiers2747
chelsea barracks, Album 68, Grenadiers2745
hrh prince of wales, Album 30a, Grenadiers1226