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queens company 1st battalion windsor castlequeens company, 1st battalion, windsor castle, 14 april, 1953, birkin, fieldsend, bisgrove, pockney, gill, sherlock, boswell, turner, thomas, heywood, todd, wheal, diplock, leighton, bethell, cleary
cpl hulmes squad july 1941 stretton hornecpl hulmes squad, july 1941, stretton, horne, harvey, waldron, hare, harrison, goose, kneale, walker, howe, happs, hall, noke, potts, padgett, duncan, dyer, hunnard, king, harmer, waring, mchamish
kings birthday parade dusseldorf 8 june 1950kings birthday parade, dusseldorf, 8 june 1950, kirkham, foster, starkey, hackett, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4464
hm king george vi, Box 3, Grenadiers4695
sgt j pattons squad march 1942 rawlingssgt j pattons squad, march 1942, rawlings, stone, hill, merrick, whitmore, cook, sault, woodcraft, tatum, collins, lawrence, carver, marsden, porter, jones, pettitt, emms, hopkins, hales, alston
kings company 1st battalion grenadier guardskings company, 1st battalion, grenadier guards, pirbright camp, april, 1947, keeb1e, 0tt1ey, nightingale, boyce, c1aridge, martin, bunyan, woodhouse, novis, smith, bayliffe, harris, knowles, greaves
No. 2 COMPANY 3rd Battalion ALDERSHOT NOVEMBERNo. 2 COMPANY, 3rd Battalion, ALDERSHOT, NOVEMBER, 1938, Cooper, York, Grewcock, Pinkus, Collins, Ralph, Hewitt, Roberts, Kiddy, Barnes, Poles, Goodwin, Groves, Hutson, Flesher, Girt, Lee, Childs
Guards Memorial, Unveiling 16th October 1926Guards Memorial Unveiling, by HRH The Duke of Connaught KG, on Horse Guards Parade, 16th October, 1926 Box 3rd Battalion, Grenadiers4754
band rome 1918band, rome, 1918, Box 3, Grenadiers4661
Band Sergeant Cobb, 1930s Box3 Grenadiers4654Band Sergeant Cobb, 1930s Box 3, Grenadiers4654
band, Box 3, Grenadiers4649
sgt cobb, Box 3, Grenadiers4659
Inspection 6th Battalion Warrant Officers Staff SergeantsInspection, 6th Battalion, Warrant Officers, Staff Sergeants, Sergeants, 27 May, 1942, Berry, Entwistle, Hudson, Lawrence, Smith, Challinor, Everitt, Dalton, Evason, Workman, Dalkins, McNaught
sgt j hudsons squad march 1955 wilcocksgt j hudsons squad, march 1955, wilcock, casey, andrews, wlliott, willsher, painter, ashby, hewitt, armstrong, brogh, stanford, hollocks, barwick, gasper, frost, wenzell, hay, swain, hyam
officers meteren december 1914 williams hughesofficers, meteren, december 1914, williams, hughes, bailey, cunningham, buchannan, nesbitt, marshall, cavendish, clive, jeffreys, smith, cholmondely, skidmore, Box 2nd Battalion, Grenadiers4429
1939 officers depot companies grenadier guards scots guardsofficers, depot companies, grenadier guards, scots guards, 1939, davidson, bradley, ramsay, combe, hanham, leigh-pemberton, fermor-hesketh, hornby, marquis of hamilton, baillie, kenyon-slaney
3609 Lieut M G StocksAlbum Memorial WW1 1, 3609 Lieut M G Stocks
col sgt f p jones drill sgt fear drum maj powecol sgt f p jones, drill sgt fear, drum maj powe, sgt maj fletcher, Album 9, Grenadiers0527
Lt C. Du Pre P. Powney, 3rd Battalion c1888Lieutenant Cecil Du Pre Penton Powney, 3rd Battalion c1888. Album 6, Grenadiers0438
hm the queen presentation of colour windsor castlehm the queen, presentation of colour, windsor castle, Album 57, Grenadiers2717
d / sgts milligan sgt maj e hawkings a / d / sgt c sheatherd/sgts milligan, sgt maj e hawkings, a/d/sgt c sheather, Album 45, Grenadiers2281
no. 4 company 3rd bn. grenadier guards aldershotno. 4 company, 3rd bn
rsm w h dobson mc mm july 1930rsm w h dobson mc mm, july 1930, Album 39, Grenadiers1897
sergeants club dinner mustapha barracks alexandriasergeants club dinner, mustapha barracks, alexandria, november 1936, Album 39, Grenadiers1840
sgt maj james e parkin 1912sgt maj james e parkin, 1912, Album 32, Grenadiers1435
Regimental Band, South African tour, Captain G. Miller 1931The Regimental Band prior to embarkation for South African Tour in January 1931. Director of Music is Captain George Miller with Band Sergeant Major Cobb Album 30a, Grenadiers1228
a gosselin a kingsmill a quilter b hatton-crofta gosselin, a kingsmill, a quilter, b hatton-croft, e trotter, e vaughan, e. pike, g russel g jeffreys, hon j galsworthy
no. 1 company 2nd battalion grenadier guardsno. 1 company, 2nd battalion grenadier guards, windsor, october 1957, fox, bancroft, pettingill, williams, abbott, overton, crutchley, edge, mann, cope, murphy, northam, potter, monks, longman
2nd battalion windsor 1856 sturt johnstone forbes2nd battalion, windsor, 1856, sturt, johnstone, forbes, hayter, tracey, lane, parnell, bramston, davies, coulson, Box 5, Grenadiers4964
2nd battalion gibralter 18992nd battalion, gibralter, 1899, Box 5, Grenadiers4958
brigade of guards royal review hm king george vbrigade of guards, royal review, hm king george v, hyde park, 28 april, 1913, 2nd battalion grenadier guards, Box 5, Grenadiers4962
brigade of guards royal review hm king george vbrigade of guards, royal review, hm king george v, hyde park, 28 april, 1913, 2nd battalion grenadier guards, Box 5, Grenadiers4963
brigade of guards royal review hm king george vbrigade of guards, royal review, hm king george v, hyde park, 28 april, 1913, 2nd battalion grenadier guards, Box 5, Grenadiers4961
no. 1 company 2nd battalion boidlippspringe 22 julyno.1 company, 2nd battalion, boidlippspringe, 22 july, 1946, Box 5, Grenadiers4960
8th company 2nd battalion best shooting company8th company, 2nd battalion, best shooting company, 1895, chelsea barracks, Box 5, Grenadiers4959
L / cpl Skinner and SausageLance Corporal Skinner and Battalion pet Sausage 2nd Battalion early 1900s Box 5, Grenadiers4945
Adjutant, Drill Sgts and SM, 2nd Battalion Box 5 Grenadier 4942No. 8498 Snr/Drill Sgt. J.C. Rollinson, Lt. and Adjutant Maxwell Earle, No. 6472 Sgt. Major W. Fletcher, No. 1200 Drill Sgt. A. Thomas 2nd Battalion. Wellington Barracks, 1898 Box 5, Grenadiers4942
Drummer Skinner 2nd BattalionDrummer Skinner, 2nd Battalion, 1890s Box 5, Grenadiers4943
3rd Battalion Pay Sergeants, 1910 Box5, Grenadiers49463rd Battalion Pay Sergeants on the square at Chelsea Barracks prior to King Edward V111s Funeral in 1910. From left: No. 6338 C/Sgt Orpheus Cyril Francombe No.5 Coy, No
Drummer Skinner 2nd Battalion 1890 sDrummer Skinner, 2nd Battalion, 1890s Box 5, Grenadiers4944
Guard Mounting, from Chelsea Barracks pre WW1Guard Mounting from Chelsea Barracks, pre WW1 Box 5, Grenadiers4941
Guard Mount from Chelsea 1920s Box 5, Grenadiers 4940Guard Mounting from Chelsea Barracks, 1920s Box 5, Grenadiers4940
c / sgt f godfrey 2nd battalion 1910 kia 1917 body recovered by french farmer 1930-1c/sgt f godfrey, 2nd battalion, 1910, kia 1917, body recovered by french farmer 1930-1, Box 5, Grenadiers4938
2nd battalion ireland 1890s2nd battalion, ireland, 1890s, Box 5, Grenadiers4939
cpl j pattons squad october 1941 carlincpl j pattons squad, october 1941, carlin, flower, last, whitmore, harmsworth, smedley, kirby, bye, fletcher, hill, bainbridge, macefield, fryer, tomlinson, emmott, kerr, cartwright, thompson
sgt w nashs squad october 1939 gillmsgt w nashs squad, october 1939, gillm, davis, homer, huxley, halsall, smith, tyers, milard, cooper, goode, knapper, hardy, harby, clarke, carter, turner, higgins, mcmillan, robinson, lane, muckett
sgt r ellenders squad march 1945 johnsonsgt r ellenders squad, march 1945, johnson, schaffert, wood, atherton, stewart, lee, morris, halbard, hepden, cumpstey, barlow, layzell, beach, calvert, snelling, workman, lovelock, hills, rigby
sgt d tilstons squad october 1944 ashburnersgt d tilstons squad, october 1944, ashburner, neale, aisworth, pellett, holmes, brunt, colley, howes, longhurst, hildren, ogden, smith, graham, benbow, hayward, brewer, hatton, hatt, dickinson
2nd Battalion Bermuda 18912nd Battalion Bermuda, 1891, Box 5, Grenadiers4957
2nd Battalion Sergeants Mess 18832nd Battalion Sergeants Mess, [Sgt Major A. Thomas] Wellington Barracks, 1883 Box 5, Grenadiers4955
2nd Battalion Corps Cricket Team 1893-96 Box 5 Grenadiers49522nd Battalion Corps of Drums Cricket Team, Sergeant Drummer G. Powe, 1893-96 Box 5, Grenadiers4952
Grenadiers4954Box 5, Grenadiers4954
2nd battalion gibralter 18992nd battalion, gibralter, 1899, Box 5, Grenadiers4953
2nd battalion football club 1906-7 winners household brigade cup2nd battalion, football club, 1906-7, winners, household brigade cup, al, dershot cup, aldershot charity cup, joint holders hampshire cup, griffiths, drabble, smith, shepley, godfrey, shelton
brigade of guards royal review hm king george vbrigade of guards, royal review, hm king george v, hyde park, 28 april, 1913, 2nd battalion grenadier guards, Box 5, Grenadiers4947
Sgt. Major and Drill Sgts. 2nd Batt 1898 Grenadiers4951No. 8498 Snr. Drill Sgt J. C. Rollinson, No. 6472 Sgt. Major W. Fletcher, No. 1200 Drill Sgt. A. Thomas, 2nd Battalion, Wellington Barracks 1898 Box 5, Grenadiers4951
Colour Sgt G. White 1st Battalion 1900s Grenadiers4950Colour Sergeant G. White 1st Battalion 1900s Box 5, Grenadiers4950
brigade of guards royal review hm king george vbrigade of guards, royal review, hm king george v, hyde park, 28 april, 1913, 2nd battalion grenadier guards, Box 5, Grenadiers4948
sgt d hillyards squad august 1944 duttonsgt d hillyards squad, august 1944, dutton, reeson, saunders, crampton, deamer, berry, poulter, dobson, cater, tredget, blinston, taylor, ranson, bradley, brooks, olliffe, hillyard, grazebrook
sgt w princes squad potential officerssgt w princes squad, potential officers, october 1944, palmer, ratcliffe, taylor, stutchbury, wells, lonsdale, lang, greenwood, bentley, gilmour, creighton, barham, hills, lloyd, prichard, barnes
sgt a beetons squad december 1944 allensgt a beetons squad, december 1944, allen, samways, palmer, backhouse, chapman, coleman, poole, lanfear, haskayne, basden, nott, weller, biddle, digby, smith, terrill, king, ford, saville, patton
cpl r greaves squad august 1944 nichollscpl r greaves squad, august 1944, nicholls, page, collison, alston, day, lundy, smith, warren, pedley, ison, edwards, willis, stones, kite, jacob, waddington, fletcher, coomer, fuller, pickering
sgt w emerys squad may 1945 headley jarvissgt w emerys squad, may 1945, headley, jarvis, pountain, wells, creasey, moore, gregory, kent, roberts, keeling, webster, butler, field, stoddard, baker, blank, thompson, bosworth, markham, stanley
cpl a hodges squad november 1945 walshcpl a hodges squad, november 1945, walsh, ford, sterriker, fax, davies, bees, fincher, weetman, james, harris, unsworth, millington, drake, jackson, noon, martin, nicholls, white, berrecloth, patton
cpl hambletons squad march 1941 winnerscpl hambletons squad, march 1941, winners, inter-squad boxing championships, christian, prior, stace, < illward, kelsall, day, wake, starling, jackson, hallam, ward, wakerley, wood, morris
sgt d smits squad april 1956 jeffreysgt d smits squad, april 1956, jeffrey, milner, gardner, brown, barkway, pendle, potter, bacon, davis, gowers, ingarfield, harris, barnett, redit, shipley, george, knight, waton, bates, freeman
sgts thomas squad august 1955 nortonsgts thomas squad, august 1955, norton, tucker, williams, artingstall, haigh, noch, carrick, killingley, burgess, davey, cresswell, head, robinson, jackson, henden, speak, jones, heggs, tetley
sgt d gilberts squad august 1955 collardsgt d gilberts squad, august 1955, collard, garner, moore, burton, wood, bluff, barclay, oxford, dooley, quirk, ticehurst, hall, speak, hart, duggen, bentley, franes, stone, knightson, dowdell
sgt k sawfords squad april 1956 haltonsgt k sawfords squad, april 1956, halton, naylor, barkway, burgess, jones, edgell, tomkinson, gregory, blood, southworth, blake, campbell, cooke, brown, burrows, lee, richards, johnson, hayes
sgt a fosters squad may 1955 hughes thompsonsgt a fosters squad, may 1955, hughes, thompson, clulow, price, bintcliffe, long, o conner, warburton, crossman, bates, mannall, frosdick, pothecary, brooks, casey, crook, dixon, johnson, marshall
sgt d jones squad june 1955 parton crosssgt d jones squad, june 1955, parton, cross, sanderson, potter, wood, rowles, vernon, barker, stockley, dennison, foster, norfolk, hardingham, smith, grimley, forty, marrow, evans, rose, lacey
private horace calvert grenadier guards december 1918private, horace calvert, grenadier guards, december 1918, cologne, Box 3, Grenadiers4600
sgt smiths platoon guards depot june 1967sgt smiths platoon, guards depot, june 1967, hearn, kilbey, drew, woods, mazur, m blagden, bailey, tagg, arnold, jackson, abbey, wilding, hardy, boaler, moore, wootherspoon, warbrick-smith
sgt p heards squad june 1955 large fairhurstsgt p heards squad, june 1955, large, fairhurst, gumsley, earnest, crease, goring, north, o connor, shaw, monk, williams, haslam, tripp, trollope, claxton, colebrook, grimley, blanchard, crabtree
sgt mansells squad junior guardsmens companysgt mansells squad, junior guardsmens company, march 1961, blatherick, dowland, bearley, jones, bradbury, spencer, workman, franklin, hughes, halford, eaton, evans, mccann, mansell, gommes, morgan
l / sgt abbeys squad october 1971 jarvisl/sgt abbeys squad, october 1971, jarvis, edards, machin, o keefe, warren, knight, howard, sands, baldry, bird, caton, galloway, willmer, tibbs, reid, abbey, donohue, darcy, Box 3, Grenadiers4594
sgt d chandleys squad may 1955 gouldersgt d chandleys squad, may 1955, goulder, gould, whitmore, ashby, white, jude, mclaren, williams, barnes, hilton, reeve, marsh, scott, mills, nash, cook, piggott, mitchell, atkins, hayes, besley
sgt hudsons squad july 1955 burton chamerlainsgt hudsons squad, july 1955, burton, chamerlain, longmore, gates, smith, knowles, millward, nash, terrington, ward, nolan, ankers, johnson, steel, dalton, sunderland, grimley, findlow, yardley
cpl i dooleys squad april 1956 barneycpl i dooleys squad, april 1956, barney, barkway, searcey, patterson, ashcroft, williams, graves, brigham, bradford, meacock, walker, deakin, criple, stanley, jackson, parker, hayes, jefferson
sgt w emerys squad february 1945 midgleysgt w emerys squad, february 1945, midgley, thornett, hughes, broom, eyers, perks, read, parker, forshew, woodard, terry, dowling, power, pegg, sunley, hale, wright, dobson, currier, batcheler
sgt o tilsons squad december 1944 portsmouthsgt o tilsons squad, december 1944, portsmouth, blackman, rollinson, young, hardy, pritchjard, saunders, ball, farrimond, wilkinson, dakin, geeson, wells, preston, glanister, williams, bevins
sgt d hillyards squad may 1944 mooresgt d hillyards squad, may 1944, moore, ablett, tyler, scammell, cutts, rix, bing, pritchard, white, furness, mcknight, briggs, smith, haizelden, stimson, buchanan, hopkinson, elstone, westby
sgt w j princes squad july 1944 kennasgt w j princes squad, july 1944, kenna, southworth, ratcliffe, moore, pritchard, ritchie, pardon, capon, cox, wenlock, barfoot, hirst, yeomans, wells, duncalfe, foy, whiley, glynn, payne, harlow