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141 Jigsaw Puzzles
colonel recruits july 1965colonel, recruits, july 1965, Album 131, Grenadiers3314
buckingham palace sentry, Album 131, Grenadiers3344
colours agate aubrey-fletcher liverpool cathedralcolours, agate, aubrey-fletcher, liverpool cathedral, Album 57, Grenadiers2741
no. 1 company 2nd battalion grenadier guardsno. 1 company, 2nd battalion grenadier guards, windsor, october 1957, fox, bancroft, pettingill, williams, abbott, overton, crutchley, edge, mann, cope, murphy, northam, potter, monks, longman
major martin and company at llenelly barracks, 1960, Album 131, Grenadiers3354
Muteesa II with KAR vets 1961
sgt d smits squad april 1956 jeffreysgt d smits squad, april 1956, jeffrey, milner, gardner, brown, barkway, pendle, potter, bacon, davis, gowers, ingarfield, harris, barnett, redit, shipley, george, knight, waton, bates, freeman
sgt d jones squad june 1955 parton crosssgt d jones squad, june 1955, parton, cross, sanderson, potter, wood, rowles, vernon, barker, stockley, dennison, foster, norfolk, hardingham, smith, grimley, forty, marrow, evans, rose, lacey
sgt smiths platoon guards depot june 1967sgt smiths platoon, guards depot, june 1967, hearn, kilbey, drew, woods, mazur, m blagden, bailey, tagg, arnold, jackson, abbey, wilding, hardy, boaler, moore, wootherspoon, warbrick-smith
sgt mansells squad junior guardsmens companysgt mansells squad, junior guardsmens company, march 1961, blatherick, dowland, bearley, jones, bradbury, spencer, workman, franklin, hughes, halford, eaton, evans, mccann, mansell, gommes, morgan
sgt d chandleys squad may 1955 gouldersgt d chandleys squad, may 1955, goulder, gould, whitmore, ashby, white, jude, mclaren, williams, barnes, hilton, reeve, marsh, scott, mills, nash, cook, piggott, mitchell, atkins, hayes, besley
sgt hudsons squad july 1955 burton chamerlainsgt hudsons squad, july 1955, burton, chamerlain, longmore, gates, smith, knowles, millward, nash, terrington, ward, nolan, ankers, johnson, steel, dalton, sunderland, grimley, findlow, yardley
cpl i dooleys squad april 1956 barneycpl i dooleys squad, april 1956, barney, barkway, searcey, patterson, ashcroft, williams, graves, brigham, bradford, meacock, walker, deakin, criple, stanley, jackson, parker, hayes, jefferson
3rd battalion tercentenary parade windsor june 19563rd battalion, tercentenary parade, windsor, june 1956, sgt lane leading, l/sgt lippiat in rear rank, Box 3rd Battalion, Grenadiers4805
lt nash rsm stevens 3rd battalion cyprus 1956-58lt nash, rsm stevens, 3rd battalion, cyprus, 1956-58, Box 3, Grenadiers4619
no. 20 platoon september 1973 arnold chase goodno.20 platoon, september 1973, arnold, chase, good, atherdon, garwood, potter, brown, smid, foster, jarvis, nyland, middleton, vickery, marris, ward, sanders, taylor, swain, ratcliffe, tileard
freeman of brussels 4 september 1954freeman of brussels, 4 september, 1954, Album 87, Grenadiers2907
trooping the colour orse guards parade hm the queentrooping the colour, orse guards parade, hm the queen, kavanagh, ward, gascoigne, lord jeffreys, earl alexander of tunis, loyd, winnington, hrh duke of edinburgh, hrh duke of gloucester, Album 57
trooping the colour hm the queen buckingham palacetrooping the colour, hm the queen, buckingham palace, Album 57, Grenadiers2725
hm the queen buckingham palace lord plunket lord jeffreyshm the queen, buckingham palace, lord plunket, lord jeffreys, bowes-lyon, Album 57, Grenadiers2718
windsor castle hm the queen clutton viscount boynewindsor castle, hm the queen, clutton, viscount boyne, hayes, nnaylor leyland, heywood, pauncefoot-duncombe, hudson-davies, Album 57, Grenadiers2716
wellington barracks paradewellington barracks, parade, Album 140, Grenadiers3380
march past ruins of guards chapel wellington barracksmarch past, ruins of guards chapel, wellington barracks, Album 140, Grenadiers3381
l / sgt wright sgt joyesl/sgt wright, sgt joyes, Album 131, Grenadiers3359
rushen coburn sharratt cullen wishart tattersallrushen, coburn, sharratt, cullen, wishart, tattersall, moore, ambrose, grayston, elwell, jones, penrice, price, major, dodd, howarth, Album 131, Grenadiers3356
battalion training 1956 haversack rations l / sgts perasonbattalion training, 1956, haversack rations, l/sgts perason, nuttall, jones, finnis, Album 131, Grenadiers3346
1st infantry divisional rifle company competition, no.1 platoor, 2nd battalion grenadier guards, bonham, beastall, m hill, southall, brookman, smith, houldey, btford, hone, slade, layzell, lilley
march victoria embankment 1950s period trafficmarch, victoria embankment, 1950s, period traffic, Album 104, Grenadiers3142
field marshall sir john harding inspection quarter guardfield marshall sir john harding, inspection, quarter guard, fanara, 1954, Album 104, Grenadiers3155
coronation 1953coronation, 1953, Album 104, Grenadiers3150
Grenadiers3146Album 104, Grenadiers3146
Grenadiers3137Album 104, Grenadiers3137
hrh princess elizabeth inspection windsor 21 aprilhrh princess elizabeth, inspection, windsor, 21 april, 1952, Album 104, Grenadiers3133
eisenhauer bukeburg airfield 28 april 1952eisenhauer, bukeburg airfield, 28 april, 1952, Album 104, Grenadiers3134
Muteesa II at Toro 1950s (1)
sgts thomas squad august 1955 nortonsgts thomas squad, august 1955, norton, tucker, williams, artingstall, haigh, noch, carrick, killingley, burgess, davey, cresswell, head, robinson, jackson, henden, speak, jones, heggs, tetley
sgt d gilberts squad august 1955 collardsgt d gilberts squad, august 1955, collard, garner, moore, burton, wood, bluff, barclay, oxford, dooley, quirk, ticehurst, hall, speak, hart, duggen, bentley, franes, stone, knightson, dowdell
sgt k sawfords squad april 1956 haltonsgt k sawfords squad, april 1956, halton, naylor, barkway, burgess, jones, edgell, tomkinson, gregory, blood, southworth, blake, campbell, cooke, brown, burrows, lee, richards, johnson, hayes
sgt a fosters squad may 1955 hughes thompsonsgt a fosters squad, may 1955, hughes, thompson, clulow, price, bintcliffe, long, o conner, warburton, crossman, bates, mannall, frosdick, pothecary, brooks, casey, crook, dixon, johnson, marshall
sgt p heards squad june 1955 large fairhurstsgt p heards squad, june 1955, large, fairhurst, gumsley, earnest, crease, goring, north, o connor, shaw, monk, williams, haslam, tripp, trollope, claxton, colebrook, grimley, blanchard, crabtree
l / sgt abbeys squad october 1971 jarvisl/sgt abbeys squad, october 1971, jarvis, edards, machin, o keefe, warren, knight, howard, sands, baldry, bird, caton, galloway, willmer, tibbs, reid, abbey, donohue, darcy, Box 3, Grenadiers4594
3rd battalion farewell to city of london mansion house3rd battalion, farewell to city of london, mansion house, 28 june, 1960, Box 3rd Battalion, Grenadiers4803
3rd battalion farewell to city of london inspection3rd battalion, farewell to city of london, inspection, lord mayor, grounds of armoury house, 28 june, 1960, Box 3rd Battalion, Grenadiers4802
no. 3 guard kings birthday parade 1950no.3 guard, kings birthday parade, 1950, 3rd battalion, chelsea barracks, Box 3rd Battalion, Grenadiers4718
Grenadiers2843Album 80, Grenadiers2843
band lord mayors show albert streetband, lord mayors show, albert street, Album 57, Grenadiers2737
liverpool cathedral coloursliverpool cathedral, colours, Album 57, Grenadiers2742
lord mayors show albert streetlord mayors show, albert street, Album 57, Grenadiers2740
lord mayors show albert streetlord mayors show, albert street, Album 57, Grenadiers2739
colours st marys marsham canon hawkinscolours, st mary s, marsham, canon hawkins, Album 57, Grenadiers2736
lord mayors show bandlord mayors show, band, Album 57, Grenadiers2738
colours st marys gate londoncolours, st marys gate, london, Album 57, Grenadiers2735
trooping the colour hm the queen the mall victoria memorialtrooping the colour, hm the queen, the mall, victoria memorial, buckingham palace, Album 57, Grenadiers2733
trooping the colour hm the queen the malltrooping the colour, hm the queen, the mall, Album 57, Grenadiers2732
trooping the colour horse guards paradetrooping the colour, horse guards parade, Album 57, Grenadiers2729
trooping the colour march past buckingham palacetrooping the colour, march past, buckingham palace, Album 57, Grenadiers2734
trooping the colour horse guards paradetrooping the colour, horse guards parade, Album 57, Grenadiers2728
trooping the colour horse guards paradetrooping the colour, horse guards parade, Album 57, Grenadiers2731
presentation of colours buckingham palacepresentation of colours, buckingham palace, Album 57, Grenadiers2722
buckingham palace presentation of colour jeffreysbuckingham palace, presentation of colour, jeffreys, beaumont-nesbitt, lindsay, colvin, Album 57, Grenadiers2720
hm the queen presentation of colour windsor castlehm the queen, presentation of colour, windsor castle, Album 57, Grenadiers2717
presentation of colour hm the queen windsor castlepresentation of colour, hm the queen, windsor castle, Album 57, Grenadiers2713
presentation of colour hm the queen windsor castlepresentation of colour, hm the queen, windsor castle, winnington, lord jeffreys, marsham, walmsley, bowes-lyon, Album 57, Grenadiers2711
presentation of colour hm the queen windsor castlepresentation of colour, hm the queen, windsor castle, Album 57, Grenadiers2714
presentation of colour hm the queen windsor castlepresentation of colour, hm the queen, windsor castle, Album 57, Grenadiers2715
regimental review buckingham palaceregimental review, buckingham palace, Album 57, Grenadiers2724
trooping tyhe colour hm the queen horse guards paradetrooping tyhe colour, hm the queen, horse guards parade, Album 57, Grenadiers2726
trooping the colour horse guards paradetrooping the colour, horse guards parade, Album 57, Grenadiers2727
buckingham palace, Album 57, Grenadiers2719
presentation of colours buckingham palacepresentation of colours, buckingham palace, Album 57, Grenadiers2723
presentation of colours buckingham palacepresentation of colours, buckingham palace, Album 57, Grenadiers2721
presentation of colour hm the queen windsor castlepresentation of colour, hm the queen, windsor castle, Album 57, Grenadiers2712
presentation of colour hm the queen windsor castlepresentation of colour, hm the queen, windsor castle, Album 57, Grenadiers2710
signals platoon 2nd battalion pirbright campsignals platoon, 2nd battalion, pirbright camp, Album 57, Grenadiers2709
jeffrey colonel 1952jeffrey, colonel, 1952, Album 54, Grenadiers2601
h m the queen inspecting regimental tercentenary paradeh m the queen inspecting, regimental tercentenary parade, windsor, 1956, Album 45, Grenadiers2317
laying up the old colours manchester 1951laying up the old colours, manchester 1951, Album 45, Grenadiers2316
warrant oficers sergeants mess malayawarrant oficers, sergeants mess, malaya, 1948-49, Album 45, Grenadiers2313
laying up the old colours manchester 1951laying up the old colours, manchester 1951, Album 45, Grenadiers2314
lt col a g way armoury house june 1960lt col a g way, armoury house, june 1960, Album 45, Grenadiers2277
lord mayor of london inspects battalion armoury houselord mayor of london inspects battalion, armoury house, june 1960, Album 45, Grenadiers2275
battalion colours marched off parade for the last time, 31 december 1960, lt d ds skinner, cqms m mould, 2nd lt j g cluff, Album 45, Grenadiers2278
march past wellington barracksmarch past, wellington barracks, Album 140, Grenadiers3382
birdcage walk wellington barracks marchbirdcage walk, wellington barracks, march, Album 140, Grenadiers3379